
Sharing service

What is Sharing Service?

While manufacturers specializing in traditional manufacturing are gradually decreasing in Japan, those specializing in IoT and other planning and application software are increasing. With its long history, TKR has expertise in all operations related to development, hardware design, and manufacturing, as well as those related to warehousing, support, and repair that are required after sales. We can support commercialization of customers’ products.

Under the current situation where it is difficult to secure profits in Japan, TKR provides a service called Sharing Service, which enables you to reduce personnel and other expenses by nearly half by entrusting a part of your normal operations to TKR.

7 contents of Sharing Service

イメージ イメージ

TKR Japan will be in charge of communication with customers, and overseas staff will carry out back-end work. This enables low labor rate and labor costs. Customers are not affected by the principle of equal pay for equal work.

Since customers can use the processes, databases, and infrastructure of TKR, little initial cost is required.

Process for improving internal operations

*Schedule image: We will discuss the actual schedule separately after the first hearing.

Phase 1: Current state analysis

Phase1 Phase1

Phase 2: Sorting internal operations

Phase2 Phase2

Phase 3: Shift to operation reduction

Phase3 Phase3

Expected effects

Reducing internal operations

Maintaining a stable supply chain

Reducing procurement and materials costs

Reducing total cost

Contact Us

For inquiries about Sharing Service, please click “Contact Us” below.

